Hommage à Super Smash Bros sur C64 avec ce "Awesome Slam Siblings Infinite". Démonstration d'un combat sur le thème Ghosts'n Goblins entre 2 personnages, dont un controlé par l'IA. Bon OK il n'y a que 2 combattants, mais techniquement ça envoie du lourd sur la Rolls de 1982 ! Un projet à suivre de prêt !
"The screen actually consists of 2 seperately scrolling screens, each using their own character set in Extended Color Mode (ECM). One screen for the mountains and one for the rest. To achieve the parallaxing effect in 2 dimension this level needs to use the "Ram Expansion Unit" (REU), since the entire screen pretty much needs to be redrawn each frame, and that can only be done with the super fast memory-copy facilities of the REU. As an interesting note, though, it is only the vertical scrolling that causes the need for all this data copying. It would absolutely be possible to make a purely sidescrolling parallax effect with the mountains without the REU, if the scrolling was slow enough to allow for a few frames of preparation. So something very close to this effect would be achievable on a "vanilla" commodore 64." Søren Trautner Madsen