Après le succès fulgurant de sa Nes de fin 1983 à 1990 Nintendo sort enfin sa console 16 bits : la Super Famicom en novembre 1990 au Japon. le but est bien sur
de contrer la Megadrive de Sega. L'appellation sera différente selon les
continents : Super Nes aux USA et Super Nintendo en Europe.
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La version japonaise et US, un look très différent.
Nintendo s'intéresse toujours très peu à l'Europe : La console débarquera en France très très tard, 18 mois après le Japon, en avril
1992 ! Elle reprend le look japonais et son prix de lancement est de 1490f. Elle devient alors la concurrente de la Sega Megadrive déjà très bien en place.

La version européenne
Malgré une puissance brute légèrement inférieure à la Megadrive la console de Nintendo se rattrape grâce à ses capacités graphiques, effets de rotation de zoom et le fameux Mode 7 qui permettait
de faire de la 3D texturée "plate" comme dans Pilotwings ou Super Mario Kart. La partie sonore n'est pas en reste. Bref, il était possible de faire de très jolis jeux, cependant elle était
limitée dès qu'il fallait faire dans le genre arcade nerveux.
> Lire le comparatif Megadrive/Super Nes de
La rivalité Megadrive/Super Nes c'est également la rivalité de 2 mascottes : Sonic et Super Mario.
SEGA sort sa "démo technique" à coup de scrollings ultra-rapides, le jeu Sonic The Hedgehog, pour montrer que la Megadrive c'est du costaud. Et Nintendo sort un nouvel
épisode avec son plombier favori : Super Mario World. Ce dernier est bien plus réussi que le jeu de Sega qui propose un gameplay beaucoup trop limité.

L'un des meilleurs coup de Nintendo c'est l'adaptation du hit d'arcade de Capcom : Street Fighter 2. Ce jeu deviendra la référence absolue du jeu de baston sur console et
fera vendre beaucoup de Super Nes.
Mais la Super Nes c'est également :
Super Mario kart, exploitant le fameux mode 7 de la console, le premier jeu de la série :

Zelda, a link to the Past, le célèbre RPG mettant en scène Link :

Star Fox, le shoot spatial, avec une puce Super FX intégrée dans la cartouche, qui permet de réaliser des jeux
en 3D surface pleine. Une révolution sur console !

Donkey Kong Country, de Rare, techniquement fabuleux, avec ses sprites calculés en 3D.

En 1993, après l'échec du CD-i
(qui avait vu une collaboration entre Matsushita/Sony/Philips et Nintendo) Nintendo s'associe à nouveau avec Sony pour contrer le MEGA CD de SEGA.
Ils lancent un projet de Super Nes CD, mais celui-ci n'aboutit pas, et Nintendo se "sépare" de Sony qui continuera seul (pour développer la Playstation !). Imaginez le monde du jeu vidéo si cette alliance Nintendo-Sony avait
abouti, il serait aujourd'hui sûrement bien différent !

En 1996 Nintendo lancera la Nintendo 64 pour contrer la Playstation. Des jeux Snes seront produits jusqu'en 1998. On estimé qu'elle s'est vendu à presque 50 millions d'exemplaires.
Microprocesseur MOS 65C816 (16 bits) à 3.58 MHz
Mémoire vive 128 Ko
64 Ko de mémoire vidéo
Cartouches de jeux de 256 Ko à 3 Mo
Processeur graphique spécialisé PPU en 16 bits
Résolutions de 256x224 à 512x448 points en 256 couleurs maximum parmi 32767
128 sprites d'une taille maximale de 64x64 points
Mode 7, zoom et rotation
8 voix PCM, 16 bits
Un gun optique en forme de bozzoba ! Amusant mais totalement bidon.

Accessoire qui permet de lire les jeux Gameboy sur la SuperNes ! [Lire
l'article dédié]

Une souris livrée avec Mario Paint... Vraiment gadget !

Un gros pad pour les fanatiques d'arcade
7th Saga Enix 1993
7th Saga Enix 1993
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters Majesco 1995
ABC Monday Night Football Data East 1993
Acme Animation Factory Sunsoft 1994
ActRaiser Enix 1991
ActRaiser 2 Enix 1993
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Ocean Software 1993
Addams Family Values Ocean Software 1995
The Addams Family Ocean Software 1992
Adventure of Kid Kleets Ocean Software 1994
Adventures of Batman & Robin Konami 1994
Adventures of Dr. Franken DTMC 1993
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle and Friends THQ 1993
Adventures of Yogi Bear Cybersoft 1994
Aero Fighters Video System 1994
Aero the Acro-Bat Sunsoft 1993
Aero the Acro-Bat 2 Sunsoft 1994
Aerobiz Koei 1993
Aerobiz Supersonic Koei 1994
Air Cavalry Cybersoft 1995
Air Strike Patrol ASP Seta 1995
Al Unser Jr's Road to the Top Mindscape 1994
Alfred Chicken Mindscape 1994
Alien vs. Predator Activision 1993
Alien 3 LJN 1993
American Gladiators GameTek 1993
An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Hudson Soft 1994
Andre Agassi Tennis TecMagik 1994
Animaniacs Konami 1994
Another World Interplay 1992
Arcade's Greatest Hits: Atari Collection Midway 1997
Arcana Hal America 1992
Ardy Lightfoot Titus Software 1996
Arkanoid: Doh it Again Nintendo 1997
Art of Fighting Takara 1993
Axelay Konami 1992
B.O.B. Electronic Arts 1993
Ballz 3D Accolade 1994
Barbie Super Model Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Bass Masters Classic Malibu Games 1995
Bass Masters Classic Pro Edition Black Pearl Software 1996
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker Hot-B 1994
Batman Forever Acclaim 1995
Batman Returns Konami 1993
Battle Blaze American Sammy 1993
Battle Cars Namco 1993
Battle Clash Nintendo 1992
Battle Grand Prix Hudson Soft 1993
Battle Toads & Double Dragon Tradewest 1993
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs Tradewest 1993
Bazooka Blitzkrieg Bandai 1992
Beavis and Butthead Majesco 1994
Bebe's Kids Mandingo 1994
Beethoven's 2nd Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Best of the Best Championship Karate Electro Brain 1992
Big Sky Trooper JVC 1995
Biker Mice From Mars Konami 1994
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball Hudson Soft 1991
Bill Walsh College Football EA Sports 1994
BioMetal Activision 1993
Blackthorne Interplay 1994
Blastris/LazerBlazer Nintendo 1992
Blazeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge Atlus 1992
Blazing Skies Namco 1992
Blues Brothers Titus Software 1993
Bonkers Capcom 1994
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure Interplay 1995
Boxing Legends of the Ring Electro Brain 1993
Brain Lord Enix 1994
Brainies Titus Software 1996
Bram Stoker's Dracula Sony Imagesoft 1993
Brandish Koei 1995
Brawl Brothers Jaleco 1993
BreakThru! Spectrum Holobyte 1995
Breath of Fire Square 1994
Breath of Fire 2 Capcom 1995
Brett Hull Hockey Accolade 1994
Brett Hull Hockey 95 Accolade 1995
Bronkie Raya Systems 1995
Brunswick Bowling Black Pearl Software 1997
Brutal Paws Of Fury Cybersoft 1994
Bubsy Accolade 1994
Bubsy II Accolade 1994
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind Accolade 1993
Bugs Bunny Rabbit Rampage Sunsoft 1994
Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs EA Sports 1992
Bust-a-Move Taito Software 1995
Cacoma Knight Seta 1993
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball Mindscape 1992
California Games 2 DTMC 1993
Cannondale Cup American Softworks 1994
Capcom's Soccer Shootout Capcom 1994
Captain America and The Avengers Mindscape 1993
Captain Commando Capcom 1995
Captain Novolin Raya Systems 1992
Carrier Aces Cybersoft 1995
Casper Natsume 1996
Castlevania: Dracula X Konami 1995
Champions World Class Soccer Acclaim 1994
Championship Pool Majesco 1993
Championship Soccer '94 Sony Imagesoft 1994
Charles Barkley! Shut Up and Jam Accolade 1994
Chavez Boxing 2 American Softworks 1994
Chess Master Mindscape 1991
Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool Kaneko 1992
Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest Kaneko 1994
Chopter Lifter III Extreme Extreme 1994
Chrono Trigger Square 1995
Chuck Rock Sony Imagesoft 1992
Civilization Koei 1995
ClayFighter Majesco 1993
ClayFighter 2: Judgement Clay Interplay 1995
ClayFighter: Tournament Edition Interplay 1994
Claymates Interplay 1994
Cliffhanger Sony Imagesoft 1993
Clue Majesco 1992
College Football USA 97 Black Pearl Software 1996
College Slam Basketball Acclaim 1996
Combatribes American Technos 1993
Congo's Caper Data East 1993
Contra III: The Alien Wars Konami 1992
Cool Spot Virgin Interactive 1993
Cool World Ocean Software 1993
CutThroat Island Acclaim 1996
Cyber Spin Takara 1992
Cybernator Konami 1993
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions Sunsoft 1993
Darius Twin Taito Software 1991
David Crane's Amazing Tennis Absolute 1992
Death and Return of Superman Sunsoft 1994
Demolition Man Acclaim 1995
Demon's Crest Capcom 1994
Dennis the Menace Ocean Software 1993
Desert Strike Electronic Arts 1994
D-Force Asmik Ace 1991
Dig and Spike Vollyball Hudson Soft 1993
Dinocity Irem 1992
Dirt Trax FX Acclaim 1995
Disney's Aladdin Majesco 1993
Disney's Beauty and the Beast Hudson Soft 1994
Disney's Goof Troop Majesco 1993
Disney's Jungle Book Majesco 1994
Disney's The Lion King Majesco 1994
Donkey Kong Country Nintendo 1994
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Nintendo 1995
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! Nintendo 1996
Doom Midway 1995
Doomsday Warrior Renovation 1993
Double Dragon 5: The Shadow Falls Tradewest 1994
The Bruce Lee Story Acclaim 1995
Dragon View KEMCO 1994
Dragon's Lair Data East 1993
Drakkhen Seika Corp. 1991
Dream TV Triffix 1994
Dungeon Master JVC 1993
EarthBound Nintendo 1995
Earthworm Jim Playmates 1994
Earthworm Jim 2 Playmates 1995
Eek! The Cat Ocean Software 1994
Elite Soccer GameTek 1994
Emmitt Smith Football JVC 1995
Equinox Sony Imagesoft 1994
ESPN Baseball Tonight Sony Imagesoft 1994
ESPN Hockey Night Sony Imagesoft 1994
ESPN Speed World Sony Imagesoft 1994
ESPN Sunday Night Football Sony Imagesoft 1994
EVO : Search for Eden Enix 1993
Extra Innings Sony Imagesoft 1992
Eye of the Beholder Capcom 1994
F1 Pole Position Ubisoft 1993
F1 ROC: Race of Champions Seta 1992
F1 ROC II: Race of Champions Seta 1994
Faceball 2000 Bullet Proof Software 1992
Family Dog Malibu Games 1993
Family Feud Majesco 1993
Fatal Fury Takara 1993
Fatal Fury 2 Takara 1994
Fatal Fury Special Playmates 1995
FIFA International Soccer EA Sports 1995
FIFA Soccer '96 EA Sports 1996
Fighter's History Data East 1994
Final Fantasy II Square 1991
Final Fantasy III Square 1994
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Square 1992
Final Fight Capcom 1991
Final Fight 2 Capcom 1993
Final Fight 3 Capcom 1996
Final Fight Guy Capcom 1992
Final Fight Guy Capcom 1994
Firepower 2000 Sunsoft 1992
Firestriker DTMC 1994
First Samurai KEMCO 1993
Flashback: The Quest for Identity U.S. Gold 1994
Flintstones: The Movie Ocean Software 1995
Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock Taito Software 1994
Football Fury American Sammy 1993
Foreman For Real Acclaim 1995
Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball Acclaim 1995
Frantic Flea GameTek 1996
Full Throttle Racing Cybersoft 1995
Fun 'N' Games Tradewest 1994
F-Zero Nintendo 1991
Gemfire Koei 1992
Genghis Khan 2 Koei 1993
George Foreman's KO Boxing Acclaim 1992
Ghoul Patrol JVC 1994
Goal! Jaleco 1992
Gods Mindscape 1992
GP-1 Atlus 1993
GP-1: Part II Atlus 1994
Gradius III Konami 1991
Great Waldo Search THQ 1993
GunForce Irem 1992
Hagane: The Final Conflict Hudson Soft 1995
Hal Hole in One Golf Hal America 1991
HammerLock Wrestling Jaleco 1994
Hardball 3 Accolade 1994
Harley's Humongous Adventure Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Harvest Moon Natsume 1997
Head-On Soccer U.S. Gold 1995
Hit the Ice Taito 1993
Home Alone THQ 1991
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York THQ 1992
Home Improvement Absolute 1994
Hook Sony Imagesoft 1992
Hunt for Red October Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Hurricanes U.S. Gold 1994
Hyper V-Ball Video System 1994
HyperZone Hal America 1991
Ignition Factor Jaleco 1995
Illusion of Gaia Nintendo 1994
Imperium Vic Tokai 1992
Incantation Titus Software 1996
Incredible Crash Dummies LJN 1993
Incredible Hulk U.S. Gold 1994
Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures Trilogy JVC 1994
Inindo: Way of the Ninja Koei 1993
Inspector Gadget Hudson Soft 1993
International Superstar Soccer Konami 1995
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe Konami 1995
International Tennis Tour Taito 1993
Irem Skins Game Irem 1992
Itchy & Scratchy Game Acclaim 1995
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings U.S. Gold 1995
Jack Nicklaus Golf Tradewest 1992
James Bond Jr. THQ 1992
Jammit GTE 1994
Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition Majesco 1994
Jeopardy! Featuring Alex Trebek GameTek 1992
Jeopardy! Sports Edition GameTek 1994
Jetsons: The Invasion of the Planet Pirates Taito 1994
Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-D Electro Brain 1993
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour Ubisoft 1992
Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament USA American Sammy 1995
Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja Data East 1992
Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics Data East 1994
John Madden Football '93 Electronic Arts 1992
John Madden's Football Electronic Arts 1991
Judge Dredd Acclaim 1995
Jungle Strike Electronic Arts 1995
Jurassic Park Majesco 1993
Jurassic Park 2 Ocean Software 1994
Justice League Task Force Acclaim 1995
Kablooey KEMCO 1992
Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge GameTek 1993
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge Time Warner 1995
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run Nintendo 1996
Ken Griffey Presents Major League Baseball Nintendo 1994
Kendo Rage Seta 1993
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase Kemco 1994
Killer Instinct Nintendo 1995
King Arthur & The Knights of Justice Enix 1995
King Arthur's World Jaleco 1993
King of Dragons Capcom 1994
King of the Monsters Takara 1992
King of the Monsters 2 Takara 1994
Kirby Super Star Nintendo 1996
Kirby's Avalanche Nintendo 1995
Kirby's Dream Course Nintendo 1995
Kirby's Dream Land 3 Nintendo 1998
Knights of the Round Capcom 1994
Krusty's Super Fun House Acclaim 1992
Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing Midway 1995
Lagoon Seika Corp. 1991
Lamborghini: American Challenge Titus Software 1993
Last Action Hero Sony Imagesoft 1993
Lawnmower Man THQ 1993
Legend Seika Corp. 1994
Legend of the Mystical Ninja Konami 1992
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Nintendo 1992
Lemmings Sunsoft 1992
Lemmings 2 Psygnosis 1994
Lester the Unlikely DTMC 1994
Lethal Enforcers Konami 1994
Lethal Weapon Ocean Software 1992
Liberty or Death Koei 1994
Live A Live Square 1994
Le Livre de la jungle Virgin Interactive 1994
Lock On Vic Tokai 1993
Looney Tunes B-Ball Acclaim 1995
Lord of the Rings - Volume 1 Interplay 1994
The Lost Vikings Interplay 1993
The Lost Vikings 2 Interplay 1997
Lucky Luke Infogrames 1997
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom Taito 1993
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Natsume 1996
Madden NFL 94 EA Sports 1993
Madden NFL 95 EA Sports 1994
Madden NFL 96 EA Sports 1995
Madden NFL 97 Electronic Arts 1996
Madden NFL 98 THQ 1997
Magic Boy JVC 1996
Magic Sword Capcom 1992
Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse Capcom 1992
Mario All Stars Nintendo 1994
Mario Is Missing! Software Toolworks 1993
Mario Paint Nintendo 1992
Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters Software Toolworks 1994
Mario's Early Years: Fun With Numbers Software Toolworks 1994
Mario's Early Years: Pre-School Mindscape 1994
Mario's Time Machine Mindscape 1993
Mark Davis' The Fishing Master Natsume 1996
Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems Capcom 1996
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Sony Imagesoft 1994
The Mask Black Pearl Software 1995
Math Blaster: Episode 1 Davidson & Associates 1994
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow - Donald Duck Nintendo 1996
Mecarobot Golf Toho 1993
MechWarrior Activision 1993
MechWarrior 3050 Activision 1995
Mega Man 7 Capcom 1995
Mega Man Soccer Capcom 1994
Mega Man X Capcom 1993
Mega Man X2 Capcom 1994
Mega Man X3 Capcom 1995
Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge Nintendo 1993
Metal Marines Namco 1993
Metal Morph FCI 1994
Metal Warriors Konami 1995
Michael Andretti's Indy Car Challenge Bullet Proof Software 1994
Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City Electronic Arts 1994
Mickey and Minnie: Great Circus Mystery Capcom 1994
Mickey Mania Sony Imagesoft 1994
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Hi Tech Expressions 1994
Micro Machines Ocean Software 1994
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra FCI 1995
Mighty Max Ocean Software 1995
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Bandai 1994
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie Bandai 1995
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fighting Edition Bandai 1995
MLBPA Baseball EA Sports 1994
Mohawk and Headphone Jack Black Pearl Software 1996
Monopoly Majesco 1992
Mortal Kombat Acclaim 1993
Mortal Kombat II Acclaim 1994
Mortal Kombat 3 Midway 1995
Mountain Bike Rally Life Fitness 1994
Mr. Do! Black Pearl Software 1996
Mr. Nutz Ocean Software 1994
Ms. Pac Man Midway 1996
Musya: The Classic Japanese Tale of Horror Seta 1992
Mutant Chronicles Doom Troopers Playmates 1995
Natsume Championship Wrestling Natsume 1994
NBA All-Star Challenge LJN 1992
NBA Give 'N Go Konami 1995
NBA Hang Time Midway 1996
NBA Jam Acclaim 1994
NBA Jam Tournament Edition Acclaim 1995
NBA Live 95 EA Sports 1994
NBA Live 96 EA Sports 1995
NBA Live 97 EA Sports 1996
NBA Live 98 THQ 1997
NBA Showdown EA Sports 1993
NCAA Basketball Nintendo 1992
NCAA Final Four Basketball Mindscape 1995
NCAA Football Mindscape 1994
Newman Hass Indy Car Racing Acclaim 1994
NFL Football Konami 1993
NFL MVP Football Capcom 1993
NFL Quarterback Club LJN 1994
NFL Quarterback Club '96 Acclaim 1995
NHL 94 EA Sports 1993
NHL 95 EA Sports 1994
NHL 96 EA Sports 1995
NHL 97 Black Pearl Software 1996
NHL 98 THQ 1997
NHL Stanley Cup Nintendo 1993
NHLPA Hockey '93 EA Sports 1992
Nickelodeon Guts Viacom New Media 1994
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing GameTek 1993
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy Tecmo 1995
Ninja Warriors Taito 1994
No Escape Sony Imagesoft 1994
Nobunaga's Ambition Koei 1993
Nobunaga's Ambition: Lords of Darkness Koei 1994
Nolan Ryan's Baseball Romstar 1992
Nosferatu Seta 1995
Obitus Bullet Proof Software 1994
Ogre Battle Enix 1995
Olympic Summer Games Black Pearl Software 1996
On the Ball Taito 1992
Operation Europe: Path to Victory Koei 1994
Operation Logic Bomb Jaleco 1993
Operation Thunderbolt Taito 1994
Oscar Titus Software 1996
Out to Lunch Mindscape 1993
Outlander Mindscape 1993
Pac Attack Namco 1993
Pac-In-Time Namco 1995
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures Majesco 1994
Packy and Marlon Raya Systems 1995
Pagemaster Fox Interactive 1994
Paladin's Quest Enix 1993
Paperboy 2 Majesco 1991
Peace Keepers Jaleco 1994
PGA European Tour Black Pearl Software 1996
PGA Tour 96 Black Pearl Software 1996
PGA Tour Golf EA Sports 1992
Phalanx Kemco 1992
Phantom 2040 Viacom New Media 1995
Pieces Atlus 1994
Pilotwings Nintendo 1991
Pinball Dreams GameTek 1994
Pinball Fantasies GameTek 1995
Pinball Quest Jaleco 1990
Pink Panther Goes to Hollywood TecMagik 1993
Pinocchio Nintendo 1996
Pirates of Dark Water Sunsoft 1994
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Majesco 1994
Pit-Fighter THQ 1992
Plok Tradewest 1993
Pocky & Rocky Natsume 1993
Pocky & Rocky 2 Natsume 1994
Populous Acclaim 1991
Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday Acclaim 1995
Power Instinct Atlus 1994
Power Moves Kaneko 1993
Power Piggs of the Dark Ages Titus Software 1996
Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers Bandai 1996
Prehistorik Man Titus Software 1996
Primal Rage Time Warner 1995
Prince of Persia Konami 1992
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame Titus Software 1996
Pro Quarterback Tradewest 1992
Pro Sport Hockey Jaleco 1994
PTO 2 Koei 1995
PTO Pacific Theater of Operations Koei 1993
Push Over Ocean Software 1992
Q*bert 3 NTVIC 1992
Race Drivin' THQ 1992
Radical Rex Activision 1994
Raiden Trad Electro Brain 1992
Rampart Electronic Arts 1992
Ranma 1⁄2: Hard Battle DTMC 1993
Rap Jam: Volume One Mandingo 1995
Realm Titus Software 1996
Redline F-1 Racer Absolute 1993
Relief Pitcher Left Field Productions 1994
Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$ THQ 1995
Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp THQ 1994
Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots! THQ 1993
Ren & Stimpy Show Part II: Fire Dogs THQ 1994
Revolution X Acclaim 1995
Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon Raya Systems 1994
Riddick Bowe Boxing Extreme 1994
Rise of the Phoenix Koei 1995
Rise of the Robots Acclaim 1994
Rival Turf Jaleco 1992
Road Riot 4WD THQ 1992
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally Sunsoft 1992
RoboCop 3 Ocean Software 1992
RoboCop versus the Terminator Virgin Interactive 1993
Robotrek Enix 1994
Rock 'N Roll Racing Interplay 1993
Rocketeer IGS 1992
Rocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day Viacom New Media 1994
Rocky Rodent Irem 1993
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball LJN 1992
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II Koei 1992
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III Koei 1993
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV Koei 1995
RPM Racing Interplay 1991
R-Type 3 Jaleco 1994
Run Saber Atlus 1993
Samurai Shodown Takara 1994
Saturday Night Slam Masters Capcom 1994
Scooby-Doo Mysteries Acclaim 1995
SeaQuest DSV Malibu Games 1995
Secret of Evermore Square 1995
Secret of Mana Square 1993
Shadowrun Data East 1993
Shanghai 2: The Dragon's Eye Activision 1993
Shaq Fu Electronic Arts 1994
Shien's Revenge Vic Tokai 1994
Side Pocket Data East 1993
SimAnt Maxis Software 1993
SimCity Nintendo 1991
SimCity 2000 Black Pearl Software 1996
SimEarth FCI 1993
Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Acclaim 1992
Simpsons: Virtual Bart Acclaim 1994
Skul Jagger: Revolt of the Westicans American Softworks 1992
Sky Blazer Sony Imagesoft 1994
Smart Ball Sony Imagesoft 1992
Snow White: Happily Ever After American Softworks 1994
Soldiers of Fortune Spectrum Holobyte 1993
Sonic Blastman Taito Software 1993
Sonic Blastman 2 Taito Software 1994
SOS Vic Tokai 1994
SOS Sink or Swim Titus Software 1996
Soul Blazer Enix 1992
Space Ace Absolute 1994
Space Football Triffix 1992
Space Invaders Nintendo 1997
Space Megaforce Toho 1992
Spanky's Quest Natsume 1992
Sparkster Konami 1994
Spawn Acclaim 1995
Spectre Cybersoft 1994
Speed Racer Accolade 1994
Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos Majesco 1995
Spider-Man: Animated Series Acclaim 1995
Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage Acclaim 1994
Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety Acclaim 1995
Spider-Man and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge Majesco 1992
Spindizzy Worlds ASCII Entertainment 1993
Sporting News Baseball Hudson Soft 1995
Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball Malibu Games 1994
Star Fox Nintendo 1993
Star Ocean: Fantastic Space Odyssey Square Enix 1996
Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy Interplay 1994
Star Trek: The Next Generation Spectrum Holobyte 1994
Star Trek DSN Playmates 1995
Stargate Acclaim 1995
Steel Talons Left Field Productions 1993
Sterling Sharpe End 2 End Jaleco 1995
Stone Protectors KEMCO 1994
Street Combat Irem 1993
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Nintendo 1996
Street Fighter II The World Warrior Majesco 1992
Street Fighter II Turbo Capcom 1993
Street Hockey '95 GTE 1994
Street Racer Ubisoft 1994
Strike Gunner: S.T.G. NTVIC 1992
Stunt Race FX Nintendo 1994
Sunset Riders Konami 1993
Super Adventure Island Hudson Soft 1992
Super Adventure Island II Hudson Soft 1994
Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats Seika Corp. 1993
Super Baseball 2020 Tradewest 1993
Super Baseball Simulator 1000 Culture Brain 1991
Super Bases Loaded Jaleco 1991
Super Bases Loaded 2 Jaleco 1994
Super Bases Loaded 3 Jaleco 1995
Super Batter Up Namco 1992
Super Battleship Majesco 1993
Super Battletank Absolute 1992
Super Battletank 2 Absolute 1994
Super Black Bass Majesco 1993
Super Bomberman Hudson Soft 1993
Super Bomberman 2 Nintendo 1994
Super Bonk Hudson Soft 1994
Super Bowling American Technos 1992
Super Buster Bros. Capcom 1992
Super Caesars Palace Majesco 1993
Super Castlevania IV Konami 1991
Super Chase HQ Taito 1993
Super Conflict Vic Tokai 1993
Super Double Dragon Tradewest 1992
Super Earth Defense Force Jaleco 1992
Super Empire Strikes Back Majesco 1993
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts Capcom 1991
Super Goal! 2 Jaleco 1994
Super Godzilla Toho 1994
Super High Impact Acclaim 1993
Super James Pond American Softworks 1993
Super Mario All-Stars Nintendo 1993
Super Mario Kart Nintendo 1992
Super Mario RPG Nintendo 1996
Super Mario World Nintendo 1991
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Nintendo 1995
Super Metroid Nintendo 1994
Super Ninja Boy Culture Brain 1993
Super Nova Taito 1993
Super Off Road Tradewest 1991
Super Off Road: The Baja Tradewest 1993
Super Pinball: Behind the Mask Nintendo 1994
Super Play Action Football Nintendo 1992
Super Punch Out Nintendo 1994
Super Putty U.S. Gold 1993
Super RBI Baseball Time Warner 1995
Super Return of the Jedi Majesco 1994
Super R-Type Irem 1991
Super Slam Dunk Virgin Interactive 1993
Super Slap Shot Virgin Interactive 1993
Super Smash T.V. Acclaim 1992
Super Soccer Nintendo 1992
Super Soccer Champ Taito 1992
Super Solitaire Extreme 1994
Super Star Wars Nintendo 1992
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Capcom 1994
Super Strike Eagle MicroProse 1993
Super Tennis Nintendo 1991
Super Troll Islands American Softworks 1994
Super Turrican Seika Corp. 1993
Super Turrican 2 Ocean Software 1995
Super Valis IV Atlus 1993
Super Widget Atlus 1993
Suzuka 8 Hours Namco 1994
SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron Hudson Soft 1995
Syndicate Ocean Software 1995
Taz-Mania Majesco 1993
Tecmo Secret of the Stars Tecmo 1995
Tecmo Super Baseball Tecmo 1994
Tecmo Super Bowl Tecmo 1993
Tecmo Super Bowl 2 Tecmo 1995
Tecmo Super Bowl 3 Tecmo 1995
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball Tecmo 1993
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time Konami 1992
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters Konami 1993
Terranigma Nintendo 1996
Terminator Mindscape 1993
Terminator 2: The Arcade Game Majesco 1994
Terminator 2: Judgment Day LJN 1993
Test Drive 2: The Duel Accolade 1992
Tetris & Dr. Mario Nintendo 1994
Tetris 2 Nintendo 1994
Tetris Attack Nintendo 1996
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends THQ 1993
Three Ninjas Kick Back Sony Imagesoft 1994
Thunder Spirits Seika Corp. 1992
Tick Fox Interactive 1994
Time Cop JVC 1995
Time Slip Vic Tokai 1993
Time Trax THQ 1994
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games THQ 1996
Tin Star Nintendo 1994
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose Konami 1993
Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge Konami 1994
TKO Super Championship Boxing Sofel 1992
TNN Bass Tournament of Champions American Softworks 1994
Tom and Jerry Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme: Skiing & Snowboarding Electro Brain 1994
Tony Meola's Sidekick Soccer Electro Brain 1993
Top Gear Majesco 1992
Top Gear 2 KEMCO 1993
Top Gear 3000 KEMCO 1995
Total Carnage Malibu Games 1993
Toy Story Nintendo 1995
Toys: Let the Toy Wars begin! Absolute 1993
Troddlers Seika Corp. 1993
Troy Aikman NFL Football Tradewest 1994
True Golf: Wicked 18 Bullet Proof Software 1993
True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links T & E Soft 1992
True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club T & E Soft 1991
True Lies LJN 1995
Tuff E Nuff Jaleco 1993
Turn and Burn: No-Fly Zone Absolute 1994
Twisted Tales of Spike McFang Bullet Proof Software 1994
U.N. Squadron Capcom 1991
Ultima: Runes of Virtue 2 FCI 1994
Ultima VI: The False Prophet FCI 1994
Ultima VII: The Black Gate FCI 1994
Ultimate Fighter Culture Brain 1994
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Midway 1996
Ultraman: Towards the Future Bandai 1991
Uncharted Waters Koei 1993
Uncharted Waters New Horizons Koei 1994
Unirally Nintendo 1994
Untouchables Ocean Software 1994
Urban Strike Black Pearl Software 1995
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation Jaleco 1993
Vegas Stakes Nintendo 1993
Vortex Electro Brain 1994
Wanderers From Ys 3 American Sammy 1992
War 2410 Advanced Productions 1995
War 3010: The Revolution Advanced Productions 1996
Wario's Woods Nintendo 1994
Warlock LJN 1995
Warp Speed Accolade 1992
Wayne Gretzky Hockey NHLPA All-Stars Time Warner 1995
Wayne's World THQ 1993
WCW: Super Brawl Wrestling FCI 1994
Weaponlord Namco 1995
We're Back: A Dinosaur Story Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Wheel of Fortune: Featuring Vanna White GameTek 1992
Wheel of Fortune Deluxe! Majesco 1994
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego Hi Tech Expressions 1993
Whizz Titus Software 1996
WildCATS Playmates 1995
Wild Guns Natsume 1995
Wild Snake Spectrum Holobyte 1994
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits Midway 1996
Wing Commander Mindscape 1992
Wing Commander: The Secret Missions Mindscape 1993
Wings 2: Ace High Namco 1992
Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94 U.S. Gold 1994
Wizard of Oz Seta 1993
Wizardry 5 Heart of the Maelstrom Capcom 1994
Wolf Child Virgin Interactive 1993
Wolfenstein 3D Imagineer 1994
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage LJN 1994
Wordtris Spectrum Holobyte 1992
World Cup USA 94 U.S. Gold 1994
World Heroes Sunsoft 1993
World Heroes 2 Takara 1994
World League Soccer Mindscape 1992
World Soccer 94 Road to Glory Atlus 1993
WWF Raw LJN 1994
WWF Royal Rumble LJN 1993
WWF Super Wrestlemania LJN 1992
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game Majesco 1995
Xardion Asmik Ace 1992
X-Kaliber 2097 Activision 1994
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse Majesco 1994
X-Zone KEMCO 1992
Yoshi's Cookie Bullet Proof Software 1993
Yoshi's Safari Nintendo 1993
Yoshi's Island Nintendo ?
Young Merlin Virgin Interactive 1994
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel Sunsoft 1994
Zombies Ate My Neighbors Konami 1993
Zool GameTek 1994
Zoop Majesco 1996